So many other ways to fight the flu rather than injecting poison into your body! Vitamins A,C, & D, zinc, lactoferrin, elderberry, umcka, echinacea, nebulizing hydrogen peroxide, the list goes on and on. Feed your immune system and trust it. Humans have been here a long time and no virus has wiped us out yet.

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100%, no argument from moi.

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I often leave comments just for posterity. You never know who is reading and may not know such information. I have had replies and likes pop up on comments I left a year ago or more. Keep making a difference, brother.

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Nice words, thanks very much.

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I think I read in a Substack that the flu jabs increases your chance of covid by 32%. But if they combine the flu and covid shots with a mRNA application this cacophony of unknowns could cause much more harm.

Of course this thinking can be throw out the window if, as it appears, future covid shots inc flu shots will now not need to go through trails or their ingredients be outlined, to be approved.

This is very scary for the unsuspecting recipient.

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Any jab will give you what ever it is designed to allegedly protect you from, unless it is just saline; how can we tell?

In fact diseases are in essence all forms of 'flu. The ‘flu is the internal toxicosis of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.

Unless your blood is given to someone in a blood transfusion, for example.


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Thank you for sharing this. Something to think about, might this be a part of

reasons for different reactions in people encountering the "virus"? (Well, we still can not be absolutely sure what it is that was engineered).

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For all we know, it's the flu vaccine recipients who also get the covid stabs who are the ones suffering serious, life-threatening adversity. Or it might simply be those who accept the covid vaccines but who then come across flu or some other virus who are getting floored. Or it might be those who receive a flu vaccine but then catch a coronavirus who become seriously ill. The jury is still out, someone might know, but as yet, we don't.

My first 30 day ban on fb came from posting to my own page with a measley 250 friends, about Antibody Dependent Enhancement, which is another mechanism by which a vaccine can have the diametrically opposite result than expected. In these cases, similar to the "Virus Interference" I described in the main text, the vaccine can make those who then come across wild virus unexpectedly much more unwell. Those working on SARS (& later MERS) vaccines came across this problem & it made them very cautious about moving coronavirus vaccine research onto human subjects. In the original SARS vaccine research, the vaccines succeeded in promoting antibodies but once the subject mice were exposed to wild virus they ALL became dangerously unwell.

I found this paper as the vaccines were just rolling out in late 2020 & I was made very, very wary about accepting a vaccine produced in a fraction of the usual 5 - 15 years of serious R&D given that those working on original SARS vaccine warned not to rush research onto human subjects!

"These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge (ie deliberate infection with SARS) of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity (ie Antibody Dependent Enhancement) to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated."


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Thank you, appreciate this. It was more of a "thinking to myself" thing for I've not seen that connection before. Great work, thank you.

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My pleasure. I'm a DJ not a doctor, so most of my analysis is based on my own personal experiences.

Thanks for subscribing & comments :) Best wishes.

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Her one and only 'flu jab almost killed Mrs Awkward, medical industry didn't want to know.

Hence why I research d if she/we should get the covid jabs and very quickly came to the conclusion "no we shouldn't" especially after the following:


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About six weeks back I had a nasty flu-like illness, which lingered for about two weeks. This is the second long, lingering flu-like illness I have had since 2015 when I gave up the flu jab. The last one was over Xmas 2021. However, whilst I was on the flu jab, long lingering flu-like illnesses could strike me twice every winter. Now I'm getting sick twice in nine years instead.

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Natural immunity and taking care of your health does not generate revenue

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